Our experience of many years in the financial field allows us to help you to control and plan your finance flow, while ensuring the optimum state of your company’s financial resources.
Mūsu pakalpojumi
Accounting services
We provide the complete accounting cycle – from initial entries to financial reports. Do you wish to learn more?
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Financial analysis
Our finance experts will help you to develop a comprehensive financial analysis of your company. From financial reports to deeper indicator research – we will make sure that your company’s performance results are factor-based and precisely indicated.
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Business plan development
Need a business plan? We will create a professional business plan that will help you to attract funding and develop your business.
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Tax consultations
Need to understand the nuances of the tax legislation? We will help you to find the most appropriate and financially beneficial option for your business. During tax consultation we will review your problem in fine detail and find the best possible solution.
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Company registration
Do you plan to start a company? Finanšu
Konsultants offers professional support in any type of company registration in Latvia, as well as preparation of any kind of changes in the Commercial Register. We ensure a quick, simple and efficient process.
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Company liquidation
We offer fast and professional company liquidation! We will take care of the whole process – from document preparation to removal of the company from the register. Entrust the liquidation to our experts and free yourself of liabilities without unnecessary stress.
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Contact us
If you wish to know more about our services, receive a personalized offer or apply for a free introduction consultation, complete the application form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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Jolanta has a deep knowledge of tax situation in Latvia and other EU countries. Great help for those seeking tax advice before incorporating.
Profesionāli, ātri reaģē un tik draudzīgi. Prieks par sadarbību ar Finansukonsultants!
Jolanta очень квалифицированный и грамотный профессионал своего дела. Благодарен за помощь ведения бухгалтерского учета и подача декларации по налогам.
Огромное спасибо!
Informāciju par uzņēmumu ieguvu Instagramā – sadarbības nosacījumi skaidri, pakalpojums tika sniegts operatīvi, un uzņēmums veiksmīgi reģistrēts. Paldies! Iesaku!
Es esmu ļoti priecīga par to cik profesionāli notika visa sadarbība. Jutos droši jautāt jautājumus, un man palīdzēja atrisināt steidzamu situāciju.
Biju uz konsultāciju par uzņēmuma reğistrāciju, ļoti patika kā izskaidroja kādu saimnieciskās darbības formu izvēlēties.
Vienmēr atsaucīgi un operatīvi sagatavo nepieciešamo informāciju, patīkama komunikācija, kopīgi var atrast risinājumus problēmsituācijās.
Ļoti laipna un patīkama komunikācija.
Profesionāle savā jomā.
Visu man nepieciešamo sīki un man saprotamā valodā paskaidroja. Nepieciešamās grāmatvedības darbības īsā laikā uz vietas paveica.
Tiešām iesaku Jolantu A. .
Liels paldies par konsultāciju! Pieteicos uz konsultāciju, lai izprastu kā man vislabāk no pašnodarbinātā pāriet uz SIA un iepazīties ar jautājumiem, kas mani sagaida. Meklēju risinājumu, kas man derētu vislabāk. Konsultācijas laikā man paskaidroja katru manu jautājumu un es saņēmu izpratni par to, kā man rīkoties tālāk.
Yes, we work with companies in all of Latvia, and we provide both on-premises and online consultations according to the client’s wishes.
Cost of accounting services depends on the number of documents and type of the company.
- Services for newly founded companies start from 100 EUR + VAT per month.
- Services for established companies start from 150 EUR + VAT per month.
- Tax consultations: 60 EUR + VAT.
- Tax consultations for our clients are included in the monthly service charge.
Contact us to receive a tailored offer.
- Accounting of client’s suppliers and issued invoices;
- Accounting of bank transactions;
- Preparation and submission of reports to SRS (State Revenue Service of Latvia);
- Salary calculations;
- Tax accounting;
- Accounting of capital assets;
- Consultations on accounting.
Quality of our services is ensured by the SRS (State Revenue Service) issued licence that confirms that the accountant has appropriate level of education and personal experience to provide accounting services.
In addition, our accounting services have civil liability insurance from ERGO insurance group, thus providing additional security to our clients.
Our accounting services and financial solutions ensure efficient financial management.
The main activity of SIA “Finanšu konsultants” is the provision of quality accounting services to new and established companies, as well as micro-companies.
Accounting services provider licence No. AGL0000318